


12 Days of Christmas:

1. Ring Muscle-up/Bar Muscle-up/Rope Climb

2. Clean and Jerk 185/125

3. Box Jumpover 24/20

4. Turkish Get-ups 53/35

5. Burpees

6. Toes to Bar

7. American KB Swings 53/35

8. KB Hang Snatches 50/35

9. Medball Situps 20/14

10. Chest to Bar Pullups

11. Handstand Push-ups

12. Front Squats 185/125

*1,1-2,1-2-3,1-2-3-4,1-2-3-4-5.. . . . . . .

At Home:

12 Days of Christmas:

1. :30 Plank

2. Hand Release Push-ups

3. Supermans

4. Jump Squats

5. Burpees

6. Glute Bridges

7. Situps

8. Bent Over Rows

9. Pike Push-ups

10. Step-ups or Alt. Lunges

11. Straight Leg Raises

12. Goblet Squats

*add weight were possible, dumbbells, duffel bags, gallon jugs, children