

Tonight is the Christmas movie night! All ages welcome with a showtime of 7pm. We will provide pizza, hot cocoa with candy canes and marshmallows, sugar cookies under the Christmas lights. Feel free to bring a Christmas treat to share. Let us know if you are coming on the Facebook Event so we know how much food to order. There will be no 6pm WOD.


“Heartbreak Kid”

3 Rounds:

10 Front Squats (185/135)

20 Chest to Bar Pull-Ups

50 Double-Unders


1. Parallette Handstand Push-ups

30 Repetitions for Time

Benchmark. Athlete’s choice on height. Choose a difficulty that

allows for at least 7 repetitions unbroken, when fresh.

2. Gymnastic Complex

7 Sets:

1 Bar Muscle-Up

2 Toes to Bar 

3 Chest to Bar Pull-ups 

2 Toes to Bar 

1 Bar Muscle-Up

Rest as little as needed between unbroken sets.

3. Conditioning

3 Rounds:

10 Ring Muscle-Ups

50 Zeus Rope Double Unders

10 Front Squats (225/155)

4. Midline

2 Sets of 50 GHD Sit-Ups

Rest as needed between sets (aim for unbroken).